Thursday, November 6, 2014


The site, at Vijaydurg in Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra, west of Vijaydurg fort, is suitable for developing a very large deep water port and a large shipyard. The port, besides other types of berths, can also contain a LNG terminal, suitable for the largest types of LNG vessels ( Q-Max) built today.

The flat plateau west of Rameshwar and upto Girye is also suitable for LNG based Ultra Mega Power Plant. The ultra mega power plant should have the capacity to generate approx. 8000 - 10,000 MW; one of the largest in the world.  The 10000 MW power plant would require approx. 11 million metric tonnes of LNG per annum (11 MMTPA). The designed handling capacity of LNG terminal should be approx. 20 - 25 MMTPA; the extra LNG may be supplied to other LNG based power plants through the coastal grid. The project would require investments of approx. IN RS. 40,000 crores and can be developed through PPP model. The time is probably right to sign long term agreement for supply of LNG and the whole project can be completed in about 36 - 60 months (in phases).

The state of Maharashtra suffers from power shortage and an ultra mega power plant in this region shall help the state to become self sufficient in power and thus improve prospects of rapid industrialisation and growth. The development of port along with LNG terminal and ultra mega power plant shall generate large employment opportunities in the region.

The large shipyard shall also generate opportunities for large scale employment directly and indirectly. The large shipyard can be spread over an area of approx. 500 acres and will require an investment of approx. IN RS. 2200 crores; it will employ approx. 7000 persons directly when fully operational. The port, power plant and shipyard should be located in a SEZ.


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